The Chronic... (what?) cles of Narnia!
Its about 10:30 on a Saturday night and I am putzing around the internet because the $25 dollars I have in the bank has to make it till tuesday, and I don't have the motivation to leave the house. One would think that with 3 days off in a row, I would be off hittin the town with my girls....but really it has been a pretty ho-hum weekend. (ho-hum seems to be my status quo these days. Not so much bad, just not spectacular.)
Yesterday I went to get my hair cut and come to find out my stylist upped and moved to California. I felt so betrayed because she has been cutting my hair for 3 years and she is the only one that doesn't make me look like I have "the rachel cut" and she is moderately priced. To soothe my sorrows I attended sanctuary (okay maybe not religious sanctuary...but retail sanctuary) and went to Target to indulge myself but all my favorite things.
1) MUSIC - I got the Walk the Line Soundtrack and I love it! [Tangent: it however does not have my favorite song on it...."I got lips and you got lips...lets get together and use those lips. Lets goooooooo. Times a-wastin'" but its really good! I may have to make "It ain't me babe" the favorite in its absense!]
2) FOOTWEAR- I got the cutest green leather thong sandals that I adore! My boss said green is the new pink...I am not sure who decides these things. But whoever he/she is will approve of my shoe purchase.
3) CHOCOLATE- ok so the dove dark chocolates were calling my name and they were 30 cents off. Thats practically a gimme.
So with new chocolate in my belly and Johnny Cash songs in my head (the sandals would be on my feet, but I am not one to rush the season) I went to the movies with my mom. I took her to see the Chronicles of Narnia because everyone and their brother/mother/baby daddy has told me that its an excellent film. Plus, she read me all the books when I was little, so I thought it might be a good bonding activity. I really don't think its much of a kids movie, its pretty damn dark. I am still wondering how I didn't have nightmares about it when my mom used to read it to me. All the interspecies animals were kinda creepy (I kept thinking about how an eagle and a lion would even have sex) and kind of reminded me of the Island of Dr. Moreau. I really liked it but the best part was the craziness that was going on in the aisle in front of me.
15 minutes into the movie, a mother/grandmother/8 year old son trio stomped their way into the movies. Apparently, they didn't quite learn the concept of "inside voices" vs. "outside voices" in kindergarten. Anyway after about 3 minutes of discussing loudly where they were going to sit and bitching about all the seats being taken (they were 15 minutes late recall), they sat down in two seperate rows. This led to many instances of the 8 year old, who I am convinced had several as yet undiagnosed cases of ADHD and turrets syndrome, talking to his mom in the aisle behind him and getting up to eat her popcorn. The mother, who looked moderately white trashy, was just as bad as he was huffing and puffing because they had to sit seperately. Finally, a bald man with a goatee (a look that I generally am not a fan of) shooshed him loadly and then shouted "WILL YOU PLEASE BE QUIET!" I swear I thought there was going to be a brawl. The whole audience forgot about the enchanted wardrobe and were riveted by the drama unfolding in aisle 2 of Thoroughbred 20, theater 1. Luckily the loose cannon of a mother did not start a brawl and instead the boy obeyed.
This blog is dedicated to you bald, goateed man in aisle 2 for speaking for the rest of those watching the 3:30 showing of The Chronicles of Narnia by saying "SHUT THE HELL UP!"