Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Little green houses for you and me!
So I went to the ever picturesque town of Chattanooga this weekend to see my sister and Kristen's adorable little green house they just moved into. It was much nicer then I imagined and random sidenote: the water pressure in the shower and sink is amazing!!! I like it because it is a house from the 3os so it has all the cute architectural features, but it isn't nasty or gross!! We went on lots of gril bonding outtings bc it was me, Kelly, and Mom. We did what my mom refers to as "crazy partying" which is basically having a couple drinks at a restaurant.
Yesterday I went to Philllips for an evening of healthy spagetti and Sin CIty with Laurel. yes it sounds lame, but it was actually it was really fun. Sin City was f#@ked up but really good! I love a film where every one is killed my getting hit in the nuts or getting their nuts chopped off altogether; whether the weapon of choice be a schwastika shaped throwing star or a knife!!! I was also really distracted bc Elijah Wood played like a prostitute slayer and Rory from Gilmore Girls was a whore with a heart of gold. Screw versatility as an actor--I hate it when the people I grow to love play trashballs!! we also watched Laguna and my super sweet 16 before Sin City because Laurel had never seen either, so we had to have an intervention and open her eyes to the glory of rich teen angst! We also realized midway through the evening that Phillip's apt was making us all sick. Apparently mildew is growing in his airducts and all over his bathroom(pictured at right) bc his neighbors bathroom flooded about a month ago. It was really gross!! We left with runny noses and bloodshot eyes.

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