Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I just got done finished watching LOST....and my upcoming rant about it is gonna really prove how dorky Kimmie really is (so dorky that she sometimes talks in third person) I am such a fan...but no one else watches it hardcore (except my sister in chatt) so I sit there screaming at the tv or yelling "what the fuck??" to myself and looking around to see the disbelief that is not shared around me (which happens an average of 10x per episode. ) Well today there was a man in the hatch...i thought it was a flashback for the first 5 minutes but there is some elaborate hatch under the island and there is this guy just making smoothies and listening to really terrible music. he also was sleeping on bunk beds so I am guessing he is not alone down there (way to use context clues kimmie!! I know I am quite observant!). I also am thinking Locke is up to his same ole shit given he was in a wheelchair pre-crash (which begs the question, If I were in a crash, would I be able to walk?) and now is walking around killing boar and being weird (TANGENT: and why does he have a crazy scar over his eye ...he reminds me of uncle scar from The Lion if its some rule that villians must have eye scars!!) My theory is that he caused the plane crash given that he was all about playing RISK and weird survival excursions in the flash backs (he was also all about falling in love with his phone sex operator...which I am trying to ignore!!). Anyway, enough of my ranting...I think I have come off sufficiently dorky so now I will show why I am sufficiently pathetic.

Today I had my first day of "Aquatic Therapy" at the rec center. I was really scared bc my breathing is sub par and I am grossly out of shape. I also was nervous because I used to swim twice a week in high school and middle school (like not just I could tread for 8 minutes and swim laps and all that stuff) and now I have to wear a life vest and it frustrates the ever loving hell out of me. I also had a mild panic attack when I got in (I am not sure why..I am not that kind of girl!) because the jog belt and the unexpected water pressure on my chest was freaking the hell out of me. I was feeling good before i got in bc I had kicked ass on the pretests (the hand bike and the hand strength monitor) but I just couldn't hack it in the water. And all the other disabled people were like friggin greg luganis and I am all clinging to the rails while the super attractive volunteer just watched me (I felt super gimpy all of a sudden)... I just felt super defeated considering I used to be so good at this. If I always sucked...that would be something altogether different..but to know success and then to be denied it is a hard thing...especially when it is completely beyond your control.

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