Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I was Opportunity

So today I was laying in bed, glad to not be at the mall, watching some quality cable access programming. I always get intrigued my children's plays that they air on our local cable access channel. It brings me back to the day when I wanted to be an actress and had to be in every play at lipscomb ementary. I imagine I was a fairly annoying child (God knows I was an intolerable adolescent). Videotapes of these plays also make for great college partytime entertainment. They never make sense, they are horribly acted and they have catchy songs. Whats not to love?

Anyway there was one role in paricular from my youth that made me think. In the 4th grade, we put on some sort of Thanksgiving play about all these values coming to eat together. I remember there being a justice and maybe freedom or something like that. Anyway, I played Opportunity. [I will never forget that the script called for "Oppotunity" to wear tacky clothing and a "jaunty hat." Jaunty according to my mother meant an electric blue nike hat covered in buttons....ohhh 1993!!!] Anyway, when I entered the scene, someone said "who is that knocking?" and some other random dinner guest says "Its oppotunity knocking." [At the time, I didn't get the pun. I imagine the only people that did were the parents and teachers.] It made me think about what this dinner date would actually be like? What would transpire? I imagine like most dinner parties, they would need a little social lubrication {aka wine} to make things go smoother. I don't think Lipscomb would have gone for that! I also want to know when Opportunity is going to knock again for me soon. It seems that she is behind every door, but my knocker is missing. Someone get this girl a jaunty hat!!!

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