Sunday, November 13, 2005

Wedding Bells I don't hear
Yesterday I went to Jenny's wedding reception and it was awesome...chocolate fountains, drunken uncles, and a white tent!! Although Phillip, my go to gay wedding date, and I had only one drink, we felt as if there were roofies involved because we made a quick exit to go dry heave outside. False vomit alarms aside, the whole theatrics of it all made me realize that I want a backyard wedding someday. My parents ought to start landscaping or move into a bigger house altogether because there will be no place for parking.
Anyway, my roomate went to a different wedding yesteray where the two parties hadn't been dating that long and had a very short enagement. They, like my roomate, are really religious and saving themselves for marriage. This begged the question for me, if you don't believe in premarital sex, do you have a shorter engagement...period of dating...etc? I believe there should be some sort of case study done. It seems like the Jesusy ones are always the ones hurrying into marriage. Maybe they are more certain of their decision or maybe they are just horny and ready to get some. Who is to say? It really made me wonder. She also told me about a friend who had his first kiss with his wife and assumably his first sexin on the same day...his wedding day. That, my TOO MUCH!! I mean it is incredibly romantic, but in my world, this would never happen. kissing is important and I just think a first kiss, a first wedding, and a first sexin (do you enjoy how I keep refering to it as sexin?) all in one day is a bit much. I am very perplexed by this!
All I know is that I am not even in the realm to think about marriage...there have been no applicants that are up to the challenge. The sound of wedding bells makes me frankly sick at the moment.


Anonymous said...

You crack me up... if you ever write for a magazine, I will buy every copy.

kc said...

I do enjoy that you keep referring to it as sexin. A lot of my conservative friends my age are already married or about to be married or they can't freakin' wait to get married. Yeah, I think they just wanna get to the sexin. Always enjoy your blog!