Sunday, September 18, 2005

Dream a little dream of me....

i hate when you finally think you have stopped thinking or dwelling about someone or something and athen you have a dream about it. Its as if god is doing it to test if you are being poked by some big fire poker thing (I am sure they have a proper name) that is telling you to remember this and let it simmer in your subconscious for a little longer...whether it is positive, negative,or seemingly inconsequential. There is a reason you can't forget it, even if the reason is to be determined. Why is it some things I can forget so easily like phone numbers or the start times for my classes, but I can't forget others. I think I am being vague enough...aren't I?

All these forboding dreams are leaving me emotionally unstable. I went to see Just like Heaven with my mom yesterday (TANGENT: I thought this movie would be just like City of Angels but had a nice twist that will make anyone second guess a living will. ) and almost cried twice during previews...I mean what the Hell??!? And it wasn't like it was for movies like Million Dollar Baby or Stepmom or some movie worthy of tears. I cried during the PREVIEWS (put in all caps to stress that I didn't even see these movies but rather got so emotionally attached that I was nearly brought to tears during a 2 minute trailer) for Walk the Line (the Johnny cash biopic...I mean I do love Johnnny Cash but not to the degree of crying) and some awful horse movie with Dakota Fanning (and as Phillip would attest, beacause he is still mad at me for refusing to see Hidalgo, I hate horse movies!!!) Something must be going on with me...I just don't know what it is yet!!

Well I am off to go eat chinese food and watch the emmys while I attempt to get work done.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Dreams are crazy sometimes(I'm 25 & I've had my share). I'm glad I can remember most of mine after I wake. I think dreams are sometimes for you to remember those bad experiences and people(you've tried so hard to forget)as a reminder for you not to make the same mistakes again and(in my case)to remember to forgive(some things may be beyond forgiveness)but not forget and be so naive as to think it could never happen again(not to dwell on the past and think it will repeat but just remember it and keep your eyes open).