Tuesday, September 06, 2005

So I am an insensitive bitch
I understand after reading my last posts that I was insensitive due to sheer ignorance. Since then, I have begun to wrap my brain around the enormity of the hurricane. Until last tuesday night/early wednesday when I stayed up till 6 am watching CNN (aren't I a party gal?) I had thought when they refered to the SUPERDOME, they were making up some contrived media nickname for the storms epicenter. I am usually not this socially unaware I promise... Apparently I was not so insensitive bc a girl in one of my classes was "really worried about all the antiques that were destroyed." I thought that to be a random thing to worry about when parts are of our country are in third world status.
I feel awful and it makes me angry...I don't want to be cliche and be angry at Bush, but he is awful. I honestly don't think it was blatant racism though, It was just his own sheer ignorance that caused him to fuck around while people died. He probobly, like myself didn't want to believe how bad things were. The difference is I am a student majoring in advertising, something that might change someone's purchasing habits, not their lives. I think he just is in over his head....and frankly I feel bad for him and his retarded self. When Oprah and Harry Connick Jr can bust in there and help people, why can't he. Even Angi is gung ho mad at him right now. She who sleeps watches fox news exclusively while sporting a Bush/Chaney shirt (not in an ironic way like I would) and tries to fight with my dad on politics (which is always a losing battle bc my dad watches CNN like it is an iron lung or something fueling his raging democracy) I try not to be a crazy bush basher bc frankly I am the spawn of one...but GW makes me ill right now!
Speaking of democrats, during breaks at the telethon, the Jones girls made a cameo at the first annual Williamson County Democrat celebration of Labor picnic. we thought of possible questions that might get people talking and riled up...bc I love riled up democrats (maybe because I play one from time to time). My top pic was, "Has anyone purchased the new Toby Keith album...I hear its great!" My sister opted for, "You know what I can't stand? Gay People!" (Gay people can be interchanged with the environment, black people, and poor people.) Although we never used these, we did think it would be fun to bust them out. Another great thing was the theme music. Every song that was played at the picnic had to do with labor or working...hence labor day. Anyway- when my family pulled up "She works hard for the money" was playing. Apparently the music committee was not aware that it is a song about prostitution...I guess thats labor.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

kimmie! of course, i think you are entitled to your opinion... BUT i still think it sucks! love you, though!