Thursday, August 25, 2005

More Anti-boy Propaganda
Today I was laying in bed trying to take a nap, flipping between one of my guiltiest pleasures, My Super Sweet 16, and some countdown show on VH1 with the word Awesomely in the title, and I came upon Oprah and was sucked in as I usually am. The guest was the guy that wrote that book "He's just not THAT into you." I am always tempted to read this book, but everyone I know that has given in and bought it feels empty. The idea is that women put up with too much bullshit in relationships(which is a good message). One of the main points is never go back to a man that has ever rejected you. I think the effect of the book is supposed to make women feel like they deserve better than what they have, but I think in turn it leads them to be neurotic messes that think that if a guy doesn't ask them to move in after a year, then they are "Just not that into them!" I was soon sucked into the program and was wishing that I had never started watching. Soon Oprah had all the studio audience shouting at these poor women "He's just not THAT into you!" after they had bore their souls about there man troubles. True- some of these women did need to get out of their relationships but some just seemed like they were friends with benefits that suddenly wanted more...not that this is so wrong, but I felt they should really talk to their men before taking it on national tv. Another problem is the guy that wrote the book. Pretty sure he had a hairstyle that was on the verge of a flat-top mullet complete with golden highlights. He seemed like one of those guys that owned one or more clothing item embroidered with flames and/or dragons. He also called almost every Oprah guest a "Fox" which seemed kind of an odd way to sell himself as a credible expert. He was married however, maybe he's just not that into her. Soon fate intervened and I fell asleep.
When I woke up I decided to complete the evening of man bashing and catch some on demand episodes of Sex and the City. This was a mistake because I learned that my new haircut, with which I am still in phase 1:the unsure stage, is strikingly similar to Miranda Season 1,!!! [TANGENT: I have gotten very weird compliments on it. No one really says it looks good...or sexy.. instead of have gotten "Mature" which is not what I was going for but I will take it!] This is not good news considering I was wanted more Maggie Gyllenthal (see picture at right!) Nobody wants to be Miranda. I had always seen myself as more of a Carrie/Charlotte mix. Dammitt!! I always get stuck with the asexual one!!! At least this time my hair style looks like a girl. In the past I have tried to make it look like Ashley Judd and it turned out like The lead singer of the Goo Goo Dolls. I have also rocked the "Micheal Jackson" and the "Matt from Seventh Heaven" in recent years.

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