Thursday, August 11, 2005

So I think I have officially joined the ranks of internet dork...I have had a pic on hot or not; I have a facebook profile; I have bought and sold stuff on ebay. NEXT STEP: BECOME A BLOGGER! My friend Courtney has a profile and I enjoyed hers so I thought I would follow suite.

So last night I went to the gay club with Phillip (pictured left tipping a very pretty drag queen aka Miss Austria Andrews...I think... anyway she had big old boobs and she was not afraid to show them off). I went not because I am gay, but rather I am a fan of drinking cosmos and people watching so it seemed an appropriate destination. I also have been promising Phillip all summer that I would escort him! (TANGENT:I always love to come home to my parents house with tales of the gay club because they just shake their head and look at me oddly. Like last time when I told then about the burly lesbian that gave me a hand massage and the middle aged man whose pick up line was "I understand disability issues, I am bi-polar and have liver disease. Lets go have sushi!" I LOVE TO FREAK OUT MY PARENTS!! yesterday I watched Date My Mom with my mom and had to explain to her what Blue Balls were. It was really disturbing!! )

Anyway while at the clubs, it reinforced my inclination that I know every gay male from every major Tennessee city. I have my boro gays, my Nashvegas gays, my chatt-town gays...hell I even have a Knoxville gay and a Maryville gay thrown in for good measure. I even ran into one guy at the door of Play that was like "KIMMIE!!!" I still am not sure who he was. I am thinking its wheelchair Steve's brother because he looked just like him, but a walking around version, and he said something about Steves's birthday so deductive reasoning steered me to this conclusion. (TANGENT: I am not insensitive by calling him wheelchair steve, bc I too am handicapable. It was invented bc in high school there were only 2 kids in chairs (me and steve) and there was more than one steve, hence a catchy adjective had to be created.) I also saw a couple other high school people that avoided my eye contact because I dont think they were ready to be outed to me...even though I am probobly the least judgemental person on this matter.

I also went to the respiratory doctor today to get more Super Fun equipment to better my life! The sarcasm should be pretty obvious! This damn reoccuring high CO2 in my blood has given me a complex all summer and caused many an anxiety attack...which is a new thing for me. Anyway- I did take a really good story away from the experience. (IF YOU ARE AT ALL EASILY DISGUSTED OR A CAT LOVER, READ NO FURTHER!!!!) Apparently my respiratory therapist used to work at a very backwoods hospital in west Tennesee and this 800 lb woman came in one day with severe chest pains. She was apparently bed ridden and hadn't been very well cared for. So when the were putting the EKG monitors on her, they had to move her GIANT BOOBS and folds of flesh out of the way to get the leads to pick up her rhythms. So when they picked up one of her GIANT BOOBS, they found a dead kitten. Apparently she had been missing the cat for weeks and she had simply rolled over it when it was sleeping with her. Thats what had caused the chest was scratching to get out and had smothered to death!! Now that I have left you with brutal nightmares!! Have a great day!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

ok, even though i'm the first to admit that i'm a cat-hater, that story is equally gross and disturbing. also, don't lie- you know you always lusted after wheelchair steve!